That's right! We were robbed last night!Here we were looking forward to our extra hour of sleep due to the clocks being turned back and some idiot decided that 3 a.m. was a good time to pull the fire alarm! We had been in bed about an hour and were both in a sound sleep when this ungodly noise woke us. Bob ran to the door and looked out and saw people in their jammies running down the hall. He yelled to me to get dressed, we had to get out. Keep in mind we were on the 5th floor and elevators were out of the question.
After fumbling for clothes and grabbing money, ID and car keys we made our way down the stairwell to join hundreds of others in the parking lot. Flashing lights were everywhere since the fire department had arrived. We waited for about 40 minutes before we were given the all clear and allowed back in the hotel. Of course by the time we got back to our room we were wide awake and turned the TV back on. So much for our extra hour of sleep! We were robbed of it!
We finally did manage to get back to our dreams but it wasn't a much needed good nights sleep. We got up around 10 and were supposed to call Marv and Vi to let them know what time we would be over. We were supposed to have lunch with them. Well, needless to say that call didn't get made right away. In fact, it was closer to 1:30 before we were ready to venture out. We arrived at their place a little after two and sat in the yard talking.
I enjoyed sitting there just looking at all the "green". Green grass, green bushes, green trees,,,,,,I miss green! The desert is just so, so brown!
We had dinner with Marv and Vi at a local restaurant and since it was a buffet type dinner we all had something different.
Last year when we were in Florida I mentioned to Marv several times that all I ever saw him in was brown or beige or black shirts. When we saw him on Friday he had a striped shirt on that had some color in it and I said to him that I was glad to see he got some color in his life. Today he put on a special shirt, just for me. He such a sweetheart!
We sat in the restaurant for awhile talking and had a picture taken of the four of us before we left.
We dropped Marv and Vi off at their place and declined their offer to come in for awhile. Its been a busy weekend and we still had to pack up our belongings for our flight home tomorrow.
As we were saying so long to these special friends I couldn't help but notice a tear in Marv's eye as he hugged me and said, "We love you kids so much, you don't know what it means to me that you came to see us." Yeah, Marv, I do.
So we made our way back to the hotel in time to catch the first episode of this years Amazing Race, a favorite of mine.
No packing got done, it can wait till morning.
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