Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12/7/2010 No More Sleeping on the Floor!

Today Bob started on the bed raising. The bed wasn’t really on the floor but it might as well have been.

A previous owner built a platform bed and made it so low to the floor that the top of the mattress came to my knee,,,,barely. It was backbreaking just to make the bed everyday. It just shouldn’t be that when you sit on the bed your knees are higher than your butt.

So Bob has to raise the platform. We bought the material needed a few days ago on one of our nearly daily trips to town.

You can see in this picture how low the platform was. As high as the dark brown board.


Bob added a 1 x 6, which is actually only 5 and 3/4 inches, but what a difference that little bit made! Its like going from the floor to the top bunk!

This job didn’t take as long as it did prepping for it. Clearing everything from the floor, (things are being stored in the bedroom until we move to the 5th wheel so there are a few boxes) unmaking the bed and taking the mattress to the living room and getting the tools out. Then of course its putting it all back and remaking the bed. We will both be glad when this is all done!

The rest of the afternoon Bob took a well deserved rest and just took it easy in preparation of pool night.

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