Friday, November 6, 2009

11/5 – 11/6/2009 Fun in the Desert

I’m finding it hard to write everyday when the most we’re doing right now is working on running electrical line and installing electrical outlets for Bob and hangin’ out at the pool for me.

Thursday morning I took the time to break down the family packs of meat I bought at the store on Wednesday and in the afternoon I hung out at the pool. That was my day.

Bob, on the other hand, was busy with his project. In addition to running the electrical wiring and installing the outlets he installed some lights for our patio area. It isn’t meant to be a bright light, just bright enough to see the step in the dark.


Now we have our first of two electrical outlets on the patio.


Friday brought us both a trip to the eye doctor. Our new glasses were in. We had gone in Monday morning for our eye exams and to pick out our frames. Bob got new glasses that transition from clear to dark in the sun, I don’t know what I was thinking because after I found out he had ordered those I was sorry I didn’t do the same thing. As it turned out I got new prescription sunglasses. Mine were in pretty bad shape with scratches and since I wear them most of the time that’s what I went with. We are allowed an eye exam and one pair of glasses every year with our vision insurance so I guess I’ll get regular lenses next year.

Friday afternoon brought some bike riding and more time at the pool. You know I just don’t know how we ever had time to work!

We had a beautiful sunset here….I ran out to snap these pictures.


What’s that saying….Red sky at night, sailor’s delight….there must be some pretty happy sailor’s in this desert!




The view of the sunset in our front windows.


The view from our patio.



LaVon Baker said...

Your pics of that sunset and sky are beautiful. I loved taking pictures of it, too.

LaVon Baker said...

Hey! I'm 88,950! Does that count for anything? Does that earn me a day with my great friend?