This weekend Casa Grande is having their annual Car Show and Street Fair.
Since it was going to be the perfect day weather-wise we thought we’d better get an early start since the crowd is sure to be very large.
This street fair held in the oldest section of Casa Grande aptly called Old Town.

Luckily, we had no problem finding a parking space since we arrived just minutes after the opening of the fair. We were by no means the first ones there but compared to the crowd later in the day the population was sparse.
We happened to park in a area that gave us access to the car show area first thing. Pre-planning on Bob’s part?
When you see the word DWARF, what do you think of? Snow White? Bunnies? A little person? I would think of those things but somehow a car would never come to mind. Until today.
This is the first time we’ve seen a car like this and like everyone else we were just intrigued with it.
To give you some perspective as to just little this car is check out the man squatting next to it.
This isn’t a toy. It was driven here and it is road worthy. I don’t think I’d be comfortable driving this. I mean think about it a Volkswagen Beetle is bigger! I didn’t catch what year this vehicle is but looking at the grill you can tell its got some age on it. Wasn’t that look all the rage in the late 40’s or early 50’s? That’s just a guess on my part.
Now this next car also drew a lot of attention. If for no other reason its paint job. It just screamed PIMP-MOBILE to us.
Even the trunk was painted to match the outside.
I thought the fur trim was a nice touch…..NOT!
Do you notice anything strange about this car?
I kept looking at and thinking to myself that something was wrong with it but I couldn’t figure it out. The lady standing next to me said, “Is there something different about this car that I’m not seeing?” I looked at her and told her I was thinking the same thing. I stepped away to find Bob because I wanted him to see this and he says right away, “Oh look, no doors!” By now I’m standing next to the lady again and we just looked at each and laughed. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees!
There were some REALLY NICE restored cars and trucks.
Bob’s brother would love this car! The owner is a Dallas Cowboy’s fan.
This car is from 1903.
We stopped to have breakfast and then continued on looking at the rest of the car show part of the fair. By then the crowd was really starting to swell.
Tornado Fries. This is something new to us as we’ve never seen these before but a lot of people were buying them.
A potato cut in one continuous spiral, separated and deep fried.
There was a lot of food available if you were hungry.
Let’s not forget Ostrich Burgers!
Music is another street fair staple. This fellow recorded some of his own songs and had other CD’s available of music we’re all familiar with.
Ahhh,,,my favorite. The pan flute. Truly beautiful music.
The usual street fair craft tables were displaying their wares and we bought a few things but not a whole lot.
These dolls or figurines are made from a dried cottonwood tree root. They are light as a feather.
Sometimes I see something that is being sold and I think, “Nah, I don’t want one of those” and then the next day I wish I had bought one. Case in point, this fellow was selling these dishes that grate everything so easily. Garlic, ginger, chocolate, cheese, you name it, if it needs to be grated this handy little dish can do it. Well, I didn’t get one and now I’m kickin’ myself. He was nice enough to pose for me in his garlic hat. i hope he still them next year!
It was a great day at the fair! I told Bob on the way home that next year, I’m saving up for the fair because I saw lots of things that I would have liked to have bought but then again maybe its better if I go with limited funds.
We made a few stops on the way home and were glad to get there and kick back to relax.
A nice day….a very nice day!