Thursday, January 27, 2011

1/27/2011 Bob Goes on a Long ATV Trip

Bob and his buddies went on a long ATV trip today, longer than he’s ever been out before.

He loved it! He came home so filthy dirty with dust and grime. Somewhere along the way he lost his hat. This is what I saw when he came home.


I did have to venture up to the mailbox today to get our mail. I ran into quite a few people and over and over I heard, “Snookie, where you’ve been I haven’t seen you in ages”. I talked to a few people who told me that I have to force myself to get outside and do things. It won’t be easy but I have to fight my way out of this, I just can’t sit back and let it consume me as I have been doing. Words easier said than done I believe but I know in my heart and my mind that they are probably right. These are friends who have been where I am, they must know. I’ll try.


Marge said...

It's you he came home for. Hat or no hat you are the one that matters. Hang in there. You can do it.

LaVon Baker said...

Good old sunshine and vitamin D-3 are great for fighting depression. (I know this is after the fact, but it's good for future reference. I just hope and pray you never go through that again.)