This was supposed to be so simple. Take the carpet up, lay the laminate down, add the tile and wa-laa,,,,NEW FLOORING! HA!
Do I even have to tell you that another trip to Lowe’s was made today?
All the carpet is gone now in the living room. Oh those dust collectors curtains are going to go!
Bob got the tip out problem all solved and that’s all good now. So he lays a level on the floor and we find out it is sagging a wee bit in the high traffic area. To be expected I guess and if we were just replacing carpet it would be no big deal. However, it IS a big deal when laying hard material over this low spot because it needs support.
I went to Lowe’s to pick up floor leveler and it was not an easy application let me tell you. Bob just didn’t have everything he needed to make this easier. Of course he was so frustrated with the whole thing I think no matter what the circumstances were he was going to find something to, there is no other way to put this,,,,bitch about.
I was so glad I had another load of clothes to wash. Heck, the mood he was in I would have washed clean clothes just to get out of the house.
It was difficult at best to cook dinner with all the living/dining room furniture pushed into a very small kitchen.
There is still a ways to go but we’ll both be glad when this job is done! Hopefully, he’ll get to lay that first board tomorrow.
He played pool after dinner and I’m so glad he got some time away from the house and got out with this buddies. He really needed it.
30 Days of Truth - Day 23 - Something You Wish You Had Done in Your Life
Two things come to mind right away. I wish I had continued with my education. I graduated from high school and went to work right away with every intention of going to the community college for night courses. I did one course when I was twenty one and it interfered with my nightlife and partying. When I turned twenty two I joined the National Guard and the rest is history.
The other thing I wish I had done was have a wedding. Both of our mother’s had bouts in the hospital at the same time. Though we never said anything out loud I think we both knew that his mother was not going to make it out of the hospital this time. My mom, had a heart attack at the age of 43 and it scared the crap out of us!
We were engaged and living together and one Friday, two weeks after my mom had her heart attack, we got up, looked at each other and said, “I don’t feel like going to work today”. We both called off work and decided to go to Maryland and get married. Just the two of us, no one knew. We wore jeans, sweaters and sneakers. As soon as we were pronounced man and wife we headed to the hospital to let his mom know that we had gotten married. She was so happy to know that we did, it was what she wanted for us. We lost her two weeks to the day later. I am so glad she knew. But. I’m sorry now that I didn’t have a wedding. I think my parents were sorry that they couldn’t give me one. I think my dad is sorry that he never got to walk me down the aisle and mom never got to go wedding gown shopping with me. I know I’m sorry that I never got to experience those things. I have never had a wedding gown on.
So those are two things that I wish I had done in my life. One that could have really changed my life and one that is just a magical moment in life. One that really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, we wouldn’t have been anymore married but I think every girl thinks about being a bride someday.
This is my truth.