Monday, November 8, 2010

11/8/2010 ZUMBA MY BUTT!

Gorgeous day here in the desert. Low 80’s. Yes, we’re past our 90 degree days now…darn it. But hey, 80’s are just as nice.

I got to the pool around noon and by one the pool walkers arrived and we got started. I walked back and forth across the pool for one hour and moved to the deep end with my swimming noodle and just floated seven others. The wind had picked up a little so we moved to the hot tub. What a rough afternoon.

After the pool it was time to go bike riding around the perimeter of the park. This exercise stuff is hard work!

After dinner, I attended the last half hour of the first ZUMBA session here in the park. Dinner ran a little late so I couldn’t get there for the beginning. Oh. My. Zumba is a workout and a half! Just ask my butt! It’s exercise by salsa dancing. That’s the best way I can explain it. There was a good turnout for this first session. We’ll have this class once a week but I don’t know if once a week is enough though. The steps are easy enough but its such a good workout that I’m hearing that Zumba tapes are going to be bought and mini classes held around the park. Oh yeah, I would do this. The Zumba instructor has lost 54 pounds in the last year. I would imagine she is doing this more than once a week though. I’m going to look at tapes next time I go to town. Its a great workout and fun.

After Zumba class I went home to get the dishes out of the way and when I took the trash to the bin I decided to stop in and see Dan and Lin since I was close. You may remember these names from our Alaska trip. We stayed with them for a week in their yard. We talked over our summer travels and what we did. They got married. i couldn’t top that!

I saw Bob several times today but I don’t have a clue as to what he did. It seems every time I saw him he was either going into or coming out of our shed. He had stuff spread out all over the patio table but at the end of the day I didn’t see anything new and he didn’t tell me that something was fixed….so I don’t have a clue what he did. He’s happy, that’s all that matters.

I took some pictures the other night of our solar patio lights near our patio in the back.



Our house at dusk.

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fall leaves

30 Days of Truth - Day 19 What is Your Opinion of Religion?

That’s a good question.

To be honest I am really struggling with this answer. Is the question asking do I believe in God? Then my answer would be ABSOLUTELY! Do I consider myself a religious person? No, I can’t say that I do. I don’t attend church every Sunday, in fact I rarely attend church. I have an inner fight with myself over this. I tell myself, this Sunday I’m going to attend church services. Then Sunday morning I don’t feel like getting up in time or I’m not done reading all the new status posts on Facebook and I tell myself that going to church doesn’t make me any more a Christian than sitting in the garage makes me a car. Then as soon as the service is over I berate myself with, “One hour? You couldn’t give Him one hour?” And next Sunday I do it all over again. Every. Week.

I go in spurts in reading the Bible. I don’t understand some things in the,,,,no, I don’t understand A LOT of things in the Bible and I get frustrated. I have a very good friend that I can ask to explain things to me and she can,,,in terms I can understand. Obviously the Bible is open to many interpretations. I can remember back in the day when I was in the National Guard if a regulation was unclear in any way a call would be put into the National Guard Bureau and we could ask the person who wrote the regulation what he meant. That can’t be done with the Bible. I’m thankful for my friend.

Do I believe in freedom of religion? Yes, all except for that one that says “kill the infidels”. That one I can do without.

I do think we are doing ourselves a great disservice by taking God out of everything. We’ve taken Him out of our schools, people are petitioning to get “In God We Trust” taken off of our money. We now celebrate an almost non denominational holiday in December. What happens if HE listens and takes Himself away completely? What then? Be careful what you wish for!

So my opinion on religion? I don’t know how to answer this anymore than I did when i started this. Actually, I feel its a very personal thing and I’m very comfortable with what I believe. I just wish I was just better at it.

This is my truth.

1 comment:

Duffy said...

Most religious beliefs come from your family. We were dressed up and marched to church every Sunday for many years. Faith is what matters to me now, more than going to church. Amen