Thursday, May 10, 2007

5/10/07 A Real Do Nothing Day

Rain, rain and more rain. It was raining this morning when we got up and that put a damper on our plans. Last night we decided that we would go on the river boat ride for lunch and a show. We could have still gone but we kinda, sorta lost interest once we saw the weather. I guess it wasn't a priority to do that anyway

I think we're tired of moving every 4 days or so, this was not our plan at all. Had we not been "stuck" in Texas as long as we were due to the oil incident we could have spent a week or more in the places we wanted to see. As it is we're rushing through towns and not seeing nearly as much as we wanted to.

By afternoon the skies had cleared and we did venture out in search of food. That's another thing that isn't going as well as it should. Since we're moving so often the refrigerator isn't stocked like it usually is and we're going to the store practically every other day getting enough for two days worth of meals.

I think it all comes down to that we're ready to settle in for a little while. In fact, we're going to Stanton two days earlier than we planned. Maybe we're disappointed that Branson isn't what we thought it was going to be. I guess we thought big names like McIntyre, Chesney, McGraw, Hill and Parton would be here and they're not. I'm sure the shows that are here are very entertaining but its just not what we expected.

So tomorrow we'll pack up one more time and head for a little town on the Merimac River on the eastern side for Missouri and start our jobs as workampers.

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