So here we are heading down the road, talking, watching the scenery, just enjoying the ride. Then we heard IT! We looked at each other as if to say, "Did you hear that?" Neither one of us said anything, we just listened. Sure enough, there's a noise that shouldn't be there. A squeal if you will. What is going wrong now? Will we not ever get out of Texas? A bad wheel bearing? We pulled over in the next little town we got to at a boat dealership. I went in and asked the fella if he knew where we could get our tires/wheels looked at as we know something is wrong. He got on the phone right away and started making calls for us. On the third call he hit paydirt! He had called Andy Nix at United Trailers and Andy said yes, he could help us but that we would have to leave it. The boat fella explained we were full timers and it was our home that we couldn't leave it. Little did we know at this point that Andy, himself, was an RV'er.
We made our way six miles down the road to United Trailers and pulled into their lot. Andy pulled two guys off the jobs they were on and got them working on our rig right away.
Andy stayed with us and kept an eye on the two fellas doing the job. He even gave us tour books for Texas. We didn't have the heart to tell him that we were on our way OUT!
He told us all about he oil pumps that dotted the landscape all over town.
The one below is in the backyard of the Sonic Hamburger Restaurant.

Bob and I did share the concern that as nice as Mr. Nix was that he was going to rake us over the coals when it came to present his bill to us. What a pleasant surprise we got when he handed it to us. He was very fair for all he did. The bearings were re-packed, something that due anyway and he fixed the problem. It seems as though a spring that holds a magnet on to something or other was broken. In other words, the doo-hickey that helps the thingamajig was broken. Got that ladies?
Two hours later we were on our way again and we finally made it out of Texas!
We pulled into Texarkana around 4 pm and we stayed in the Four States Fairgrounds. There wasn't any event taking place and we shared the fairgrounds with about a dozen other RV's. Rent here for the night was $16.41 including tax.
Nothing fancy about this parking space but it had everything we needed.
The view out our window.
We were watching the weather as a crawler kept coming across the TV about bad storms and tornadoes. Around 8:30 we had a knock at the door. The night security guy was letting us know that bad storms with very high winds were expected. He told us that the arena would be open if we chose to go there during the storm. He went on to tell us that we should go to the far side of the building and get under the bleachers, that we would be safest there. The TV was reporting winds of 70 mph plus. This is not good! I packed a bag for us, "just in case". We did go to the arena but left the bag at home after all and joined 2 other couples under the bleachers. Earlier in the week they had a Monster Truck Rally and the dirt they filled the arena floor was still in the air. It didn't matter all that much as we wanted to be safe first and foremost. We stayed about an hour before we ventured back to the rig. The storm had turned north and we just got the tail end of it after all.
Better to be safe than sorry.
1 comment:
I can't believe all the things you guys have experienced. I'm exhausted. But it does seem that you've found nice and fair folks all along the way. I will agree that there are really nice people in Texas.
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