We couldn't help but notice all the theaters with huge parking lots along the way. It looks much like we would expect Vegas to look with all the neon. And billboards! You've never seen so many billboards!
We arrived in downtown Branson around 10:30 and purchased tickets for a ride on the 11:30 trip on the Branson Scenic Railway.

There is a dining car, a sleeper car, regular passenger cars, club cars and usually three "dome" cars although today there were only two due to one being out for repairs. The dome cars have glass domes on top and you can sit up there on the second level for a bird's eye view of the countryside. The dome cars filled quickly and we weren't able to get up there. At first I was disappointed but after hearing the others back at the station when it was over I was glad there wasn't room for us. It seems as though there wasn't any leg room and it was hot with the sun beating down through the glass. (Yes, it cleared and the sun came out) Instead, we sat in one of the club cars in very roomy, comfortable chair-like seats in air conditioning.
We ordered drinks and snacks from the dining car and were surprised at how reasonably priced they were.
Here is a picture of the scenery we saw as we passed over railroad trestles.
We were a little disappointed that there wasn't more to "see". It was mostly woods.
We did catch a glimpse of a "duck" ride that they have here too. We did this when we were in Hot Springs.

In this picture Bob is standing in front of a pool of water with fountains which spray in time with music during the shows. At night water and fire are both used in the show.
This is a view of the tiered seating section and gardens from in front of the water fountain.
So that was our day in downtown Branson.
So nice to be on the road again!!
Don and I have never taken the train ride because we also heard it was disappointing... no view of Table Rock Lake or anything... just trees.
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