Saturday, May 12, 2007

5/12/07 We're Making it Home

What a beautiful day in Missouri! We had a nice breeze blowing all day and we accomplished a lot.

Lots, but not all of the cleaning is done. We still have to clean out a few drawers and closets because we still have way too many clothes with us. Carpets need to be steamed cleaned yet and a few other odds and ends. We don't start work until Thursday so we have time.

We did make our trip to the Hundred Dollar Store and boy did they make a mint off us today! We were out of everything so we bought quite a bit, and yes, somehow, some way "kipper" made into the cart and I found it at checkout.

We also bought some things for the yard like solar lights and a hummingbird feeder.

Here are a few pictures from our drive in yesterday.

Here are some pictures of where we are spending the summer.

The Office

An AWARD winning KOA

The Children's Playground

Kamper Kabins

The Store

Bud Light and Pepsi's! Our kind of store!
The Office area

The Game Room

The POOL, right across the road from our site.
The Canoe Down the River part of the business.

Canoes all ready to go!

The Crosseyed Cricket!

So there it is, where we'll be living for the next 4 months.

There's lot to do and see in the area which we are glad for. We've found out our days off are Tuesday's and Wednesday's so we'll be exploring lots of things. We are 64 miles south -southwest from St. Louis so we are looking forward to seeing the Arch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a "turtle" to me!!!