The end of May, where is the time going? It seems like yesterday that we were packing the 5th wheel to hit the road and here we are with six months of fulltiming under our belt already.I was surprised when I opened this site this morning to see 5,028 hits on it. I put the counter on the site on February 7th and here we are at over five thousand! I wish I had a way to put on a guest register. I'm going to look into that, there must be one out there.
I did receive a comment from one reader that we had actually met in April. We met Sandy and Rich from California and she gave me their card with their contact info on it. Well, over time I've misplaced it. Sandy, you asked me to shoot a note back to you and I'd love to but I don't have your email address. Reply thru the blog again and give it to me. I promise not to put it on the site.
When we got up this morning it was cloudy, again, and shortly thereafter it started raining. Not a downpour just a slow, steady drizzle. It didn't last long, maybe a half hour and then the sun was out shining bright. Figures, doesn't it? We go back to work and the sun comes out!
A couple of weeks ago someone dropped off two kittens at the campground. Dan and Barb says this happens all too often. One of them, an orange tabby has made herself quite at home here. The other we haven't seen in a few days now. Anyway, Sandy, as she is called by me, or Miss Kitty, as she is called by Barb, is very affectionate and splits her time between the two of us. Barb does feed her as she would like for her to stick around to keep the mice population down. She isn't fed much, just enough to keep her here. Today, she went missing. We all called for her but she didn't come. We figured she went home with one of our over night campers since she is so friendly and affectionate. Here she is resting in our chair where she likes to curl up and sleep.
Well, she was finally accounted for this afternoon. It seems that when either Bob or I went into the house today she followed us in, undetected. We're glad she's still around but we'll be sure to watch when opening the door from now on.
There's always something new to learn how to do around here at Stanton/Meramec KOA. Today I learned how to pull pork! These pork shoulders are hickory smoked for fourteen hours and taste oh so good!
Here's Dan showing me what to do.

......and me taking a turn at it.
This afternoon our friends from Delaware checked in. Bob and Shelly are from downstate Delaware and are headed home after spending the winter in Arizona. They'll stay here with us for a week. We have big plans for our days off to go exploring with them. After visiting with family they will head on up to New Hampshire. Shelly is a "travel nurse" and Bob is lucky enough that he can work at his same job from the comfort of their rig on his computer.

So there it is, another day in the lives of these full time RV'ers.
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