Today, in reading the headlines on the Internet we came across a video that completely outraged us!

It has to do with the living conditions in the barracks of a unit that has just come home from a 15 month tour in Afghanistan. You don't treat your soldiers this way!

I'm including a link to the video so that you can see for yourself. I'm hoping you'll be as outraged as we are. Yes, we did contact our senator and representative via email and attached the video although I can't imagine they haven't seen it.
YouTube - Army Barracks conditions in 82nd Fort (ft) Bragg (Click)
So we finally venture out today to get Bob a new battery for his cell phone since the old one had powered up for the last time. We're on the way home and we heard it. OH NO! What is that noise now? We could hear something but didn't know what it was. We get home after going around and around in Lowe's parking lot trying to identify this mystery sound. No sense in playing around with this, we called the local Ford dealership, explained the problem and our situation and they said to bring it right in. They gave Bob a ride back and told him that if they could start it today they will and if not at least it will be there first thing tomorrow morning.
We decided since it was there we would also have a new gas gauge installed. Of course we'll have sooper dooper version of this put in.

I checked on the stats of visitors to the blog today and we've added more countries to the list. We have now had readers from:
- United States
- Canada
- Australia
- Netherlands
- Germany
- Poland
- United Kingdom
- Jamaica
Some of the "search words" used were:
- Boudain balls
- Tupperware Bingo
- Hot Headz of Newport Richey
I'm given projection numbers of how many hits will come on any given day and more often than not we reach our numbers.
Here's a little quiz for you to take. Let's see observant you are!
http://www.oldjoeblack.0nyx.com/thinktst.swf (click)
Before the truck ended up in the shop today we had decided that we are going to move north tomorrow morning. Its getting way too hot here. It was in the very high 90's today. So either tomorrow or the next day we're going to move to Boulder City, Nevada. At least that's where I think we're going, I've heard so many town names the past few days as we plot our course.
After dinner we settled in to watch American Idol.
After this post I don't know when I'll post again as I don't know exactly where we're going to end up. If I don't have an Internet connection I'll keep writing the blog in Live Writer and upload them as soon as I get the connection again.
I think the fuel gauge should read at least 150.00 for the full mark. We cry everytime we fill up. And then our daughter tells us it's higher in OH. Oh well, we are doing the lifestyle we want. Good luck in your travels. Hope the truck repair is minor.
I just watched your video. Yes, that is an outrage. I believe all those pictures because my son lives in base housing and he lives in a building that should be demolished also. We will do what we can, but basically the military does not care! They deserve so much better.
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