Wednesday, September 3, 2008

9/3/08 We're Taking to the Skies!

Dear Readers,

We're heading "home" tomorrow! We've got a long day in front of us as we leave Philadelphia at noon and won't arrive in Salt Lake City until 9:30 east coast time. A long day to be sure!

We plan on vegging Friday so hopefully I'll get the catching up of the blog started then. Lots to tell you and lots of pictures to share.

I want to take this time to thank you all for faithfully checking back to see if I've updated. the counter turned 2000 hits since I've last written so that tells me I have some very faithful readers and I appreciate every one of you!

It won't be long and everything will be back to normal.


Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Saying "hey" from a suburb of Philly!

Don't leave without a cheesesteak!

Queen of Retirement said...

OK - so I'm a liar!! Glad you are heading home and will be anxious to read about what you have been doing.

LaVon Baker said...

So good to see you back on the blog. Life seems normal now. Can't wait to see pictures and read about the rest of your trip home.

Peggy & Bill said...

I know how you feel about spending precious time with family & letting the blogging slide. I now have mine caught up to date. It's taken me all afternoon! You'll make it friend! You are a #1 Blogger!

Anonymous said...

Bob and Snookie --

you don't know me, or anyone in my office for that matter... but you've managed to brighten our days with your tales from the road, and we are pretty upset about this return trip home.
Please stay out there, and keep me updated.

LaVon Baker said...

Haven't you landed yet? If your plane is still circling, the pilot is going to have to take the plane out over Salt Lake and empty the black tank!