Sunday, February 28, 2010

2/28/2010 I Thought I Was Home Free!

There’s been a 24 hour intestinal virus going around the park. Some, it hits bad enough that a trip to the emergency room is in order due to dehydration. Others just spend the day doing a lot of reading on the throne or praying to the porcelain gods. A lot of our friends have had it. Bob had it earlier this week. I’ve felt fine. Until today. Actually, I got a very mild case of it. I didn’t really feel terrible like Bob did, just tired, read a few chapters in my book and I was done with it.

It’s raining today and I’m so glad it is for a purely selfish reason. Today is a huge fish fry/turkey dinner party here in the park and I have been looking forward to this so much. With the rain it was postponed until tomorrow. I’ll feel better by then I’m sure.

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