It is so foggy here today that the local area schools are starting two hours late in hopes that the fog lifts or so that at the very least kids are standing at bus stops where they can be seen. At least that is what the radio says. Here in our park the air is crystal clear, no fog at all. It did seem that the schools that were getting the late start were further inland. I’m glad, I’m tired of the fog already. It just makes everything feel damp and clammy. YUCK!
I met with Linda at the store this morning because I learned a few things on the computer yesterday that I wanted to share with her. I ended up staying two hours,,,,just because.
Since Bob is all done with the weed trimming and grass cutting for awhile he worked this afternoon for a few hours as the Ice Man. He did it for two hours and then I went and took over because I just knew there was no way he could just sit and not have anything to do. That is just NOT Bob. He was very glad to see me and it didn’t take him long to get out the door once I showed up.
Since we will be spending time in the store this year here are some pictures so that you can get an idea of where we are.
We still have to get in milk and bread and eggs yet. We are supposed to sell “healthy” things so chicken hot dogs are in the fridge and only water and diet beverages. Each consumable item is labeled “go”, “slow” or “whoa” as far as healthy content is concerned. Yes, we sell ice cream and that is labeled “whoa”. Candy is also a “whoa”, the diet drinks are a “slow” because not as good as water they are ok in moderation. I’m betting the WHOA stuff gets sold a whole lot more. I think we are selling 1% milk, in my opinion that and skim are nothing more than white water.
I have to say, I can appreciate that they stock shampoo, deodorant and soap for those that packed too quickly and forgot these things. BUT, there is making a profit and then there is MAKING A PROFIT! That Suave shampoo that I buy in the grocery store for $1.19 or at Walmart for 99 cents….a whopping $3.25 here. I guess convenience cost. It wouldn’t cost me, I’d wash my hair with Palmolive dish soap first before I paid that kind of money for a 99 cent shampoo. But that’s just me….Queen of Cheap.
Surprisingly, the shirts are well priced. go figure.
More expensive convenience things and heaven help the parent that has to buy sand toys. A second mortgage would almost be in order.
I’m told that people are on vacation and don’t even look at prices, that they won’t think twice about spending $4.99 for a jar of Ragu. I have my doubts, we’ll see. I hope I’m wrong, otherwise on my days in the store I won’t do anything all day other than watch people walk in and walk out. That would make for a long day.
You are going to hear this name a lot this summer so I want to introduce you to my new friend Linda. She and husband Tony will be here working as camp hosts until the end of July.
Bob went fishing after dinner and since it was such a nice evening with a gentle breeze I grabbed the camera and went in search of a spectacular sunset.
First I found what looks like its going to be a full moon.
I was really there too early for sunset pictures but I struck up a conversation with Ed. He was a fisherman, all by himself and we talked for about a half hour to forty minutes about a variety of subjects. I hope I run into him again, he’s a nice man. I won’t have to worry about him forgetting my name should we run into each other again, his sister’s nickname is Snookie.
While I didn’t get what I would call spectacular sunset shots, they were nice.
I took of notice this going on behind me… sky at night. Sailor’s delight. Snookie’s delight too!

WARNING: Fair warning is given now that I am just nuts about sunsets over water. By the end of summer you will probably begging someone to gouge your eyes out if you have to look at another sunset picture. Just lettin’ ya know….just sayin’….you’ve been warned.