Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6/6/2012 Our Weekends Are Way Too Fast

Mom and I were at the kitchen table playing our first game of Hand & Foot at 7 a.m.. I told you I created a monster!

The plan today was for us to leave by late morning so that we could make a stop in Dover at the Air Force Base to shop at the Commissary. Some how Bob missed this. Completely. Even though we talked about it prior to leaving the beach in the first place. In addition, as I got things ready to go I set them by the doorway and he put them in the truck. Evidently he wasn’t paying attention to what he was putting in the back seat because he put our collection of reusable cloth grocery bags in the truck. That said, I didn’t take notice that he removed our large cooler from the back seat.

So we’re on the road and I said something about making sure we get a couple of jars of hot cherry peppers and he looked at me and said, “Are we stopping at the store?” I looked at him, dumbfounded. “Yeah, we’re going to the commissary.” “We are?” “Yeah, why do you think we left mom and dad’s this early?” “We can’t go to the commissary, I took the cooler out of the truck.” I took notice of the now empty space and asked why he did that. It doesn’t matter what his answer was as there is only one acceptable one and that’s SELECTIVE HEARING! Yes, I’m sorry to say that my husband suffers from the male malady called selective hearing. Had I been talking about the latest fishing forecast or what the head boats were bringing in he would have hung on every word. Grocery shopping? Eh, not so much.

Looks like I’ll be paying the high prices of the beach stores. Men!

Thirty two years ago tonight, Bob and I had our first date. I mentioned this to him and he never said a word. There's that selective hearing again!

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