Saturday, June 23, 2012

6/23/2012 Slammin’ at the Marina!

(Rehoboth Beach, DE)

I pulled into the marina at a few minutes before seven this morning and was extremely surprised to find that not only was the ramp marina lot filled to capacity but that the remote parking lot was halfway full. This was my first indication of what the day was going to be like.

I was constantly busy today leading new arrivals to the remote parking lot and driving the drivers back to the docks.

I had this one fellow who was so excited to get out on the water and go fishing that he was just in too much of a hurry. When he arrived he did all the things one has to do in order to launch a boat. Take the tie down straps off, make sure the plug is in and a list of other things. He’s finally all ready to launch and I hear, “OH NO!” We had been chatting about what was biting and the fact that there is no live bait available this particular weekend so I was standing close by. I asked what was wrong and he said he had forgotten the ignition keys to the boat. He called his wife as he lived about 15 minutes away but she didn’t answer the phone. He put everything back the way it was and said he’d see me in a half hour and off he went and I went on ferrying drivers to the docks.

A half hour later my keyless friend returned and went through the whole drill again. He was so darn excited to be going fishing that I swear he even walked with a spring in his step and he just grinned from ear to ear. I helped him with his lines and wished him happy fishing and watched him as he piloted his fishing boat out of the marina waters. And I didn’t think any more of him….for a while.

During a much needed lull I took notice of a turtle that had made her way into the parking lot and I proceeded to follow her across the asphalt in the golf cart to make sure she made her journey to the sandy area safely. She stopped to take a rest along side a row of trucks and trailers in my lot. I heard this low decibel noise and couldn’t figure out what it was. I looked all around but couldn’t determine where it was coming from. With that the turtle was on the move again. I escorted her to a safe area and headed back the spot I wait in. I got halfway past the row of vehicles and I heard it again. That noise! What is it and where is it coming from? I got out of the golf cart and started walking. It didn’t take me long to figure out what the noise was and where it was coming from once I started walking around. My keyless friend….he was so anxious to get out on the water he parked his jeep and left the keys in it and it was still running. He never shut it off. I kind of chuckled to myself and thought about my new friend and decided I would leave him a note in case he returned after I was gone. I wrote it out and shut the Jeep off and placed his keys on the floorboards.

Brian, my keyless friend, did in fact return before I left. We had a great laugh over the whole thing.

I snapped this picture on my way home from the top of the bridge, it shows a portion of the boat traffic in the Inlet. This was not the easiest picture to get. I just held the camera up as I was driving, pointed and clicked.


It so hot now and I really feel bad for Bob having the afternoon shift, well, not enough that I would want to change with him, but bad all the same.

I spent the evening with the cousins. Bob wouldn’t leave the comfort of the AC and I don’t blame him. We walked up to the rail in order to watch the sunset. This is an activity that Melissa and I especially like to share.

Melissa…..I just love this girl!


While waiting for the sun to get into position there was lots of pointing and excitement along the rail. It seems a pod of dolphins came into the Inlet with one of the boats. We could easily count five and here’s a picture of two of them out of the water.


And now for the sunset,,,,drum roll please.






Now who couldn’t enjoy watching this every night?

Back at Ronnie and Patty’s we sat and talked for awhile. Ronnie with his other daughter, Olive.


I’m so glad they are going to be here for the week!

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