H O M E ! ! !

Steve and Carol got us to the airport for our day long trip home! The best part, only a very few knew we were arriving.
We flew home on Southwest Airlines and things sure have changed since the last time we were on an airplane. Or maybe its just Southwest. They don't assign seats anymore much to our surprise and dismay. Our boarding passes, which I printed out the night before, had a big "B" on them with a number. We thought that was our seat number. Uh-uh. That said we were one of the last to board and when we did we found that all the window seats were taken as well as the aisle seats. We weren't able to sit together and Bob had a middle seat between two rather large men who were both determined that the armrests belonged to them since they sat down first. To say that Bob did not have a pleasant flight would be an understatement. Lucky for me my seatmates were friends so the aisle seat occupant moved to the center seat. Unlucky for me, I had a five year old behind me who kicked my seat from Salt Lake City to St. Louis. I tried several times to grab his foot but I couldn't reach it. You have no idea how tempted I was to kneel in my seat, facing him, and telling him that if he kicked my seat one more time I was going to tell the pilot to make him fly strapped to the wing! Now his mother was sitting right next to him, I won't go into what I would have liked to have told her! She knew he was kicking my seat because she did tell him once that he should stop that because it might make me angry. MIGHT???? Lady, you fly halfway across the country with the back of your seat constantly being kicked by some brat and see if you don't get angry! And then the little dear had a problem with his ears popping or maybe that should be they wouldn't pop. All together now.... Awwwwwww. Bob and I were both glad to see St. Louis!
The next leg of our flight went much better. The plane wasn't full so we got to sit together and there were no kids on the flight.
Since we didn't have to check baggage we didn't have to spend anytime waiting for luggage on the carousel. We went directly to the rental car agency and got our vehicle that would take us back to our home state. When we walked out of there we were hit like a ton of bricks with the heat and humidity. At 9:45pm it was still ninety degrees and the humidity had to be at ninety percent. It took our breath away. We realized in a heartbeat just how much we didn't miss humidity while we were in the western half of the U.S..
We drove as quickly as we could to our friend Diane's house where we would spend the night. We were greeted with cold beers and cold Pepsi's and an air conditioned house. Life is good. Since we haven't been "home" since November of '06 we had lots to catch up on and stayed up until almost two talking with her.
It's good to be home!
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