Saturday, July 26, 2008

7/26/08 Not One Minute Sooner Than 10:55 pm

Happy Birthday to ME!

What a great day this has been. Lots of phone calls and emails and e-cards and snail mail cards wishing me a Happy Birthday. I think I've written all my thank you's but in case I've missed one please accept my heartfelt thank you. It's so nice to be thought of.

Mom and I rushed to Walmart this morning to get pictures printed from CD's that we have from little Steven's birthday party. I say we rushed because last night we went to get this out of the way and when we arrived both machines were in use. We struck up a conversation with the fellow also waiting and we found he had already been there 35 minutes and the two who had the machines were still going at it. So we waited, and waited, and waited,,,about 40 minutes. Finally, Mom and I ran to Penney's to pick up sheets that were on sale and when we returned the same two were still at the machines. The fellow had given up and left. After waiting well over an hour now we found out that no one was processing the pictures anyway so we finally gave up too with the thought we would come back in the morning.

This morning when we turned the corner we saw both machines empty! YES! We picked out the pictures we wanted copies of only to find out the processing machine was down. We just can't seem to win on this one. We left with the promise from the young man behind the counter that he would call when we could pick up the finished pictures.

Now when we were there Friday night a stock boy came out of the back carrying a box a piece of computer equipment had come in and he was all exicted. It seems as though he was preparing to send this defective piece of equipment back to the manufacturer and when he opened the box and removed the packing paper he didn't find what was supposed to be in the box but instead found a brick! Someone had returned a brick! I guess the people behind the returns desk didn't do their job very well did they. They felt the weight of the box and just assumed it held what was pictured on the box. Wanna bet there is a meeting of returns desk personnel in the very near future?

We hung around the house this afternoon with Mom and Dad and then met my brother Billy and sister-in-law, Michelle at Michael's Restaurant for dinner.

I have been looking forward to this for so long as Michael's is one of our favorites. All day long I was thinking about what I was going to order so I didn't even need a menu!

One of my favorite things to eat is Crab Imperial and Michael's makes the best I've ever had. In addition, they have a salad bar to die for. Add in a twice baked potato and I'm in heaven. The perfect birthday dinner. Oh heck, this is a perfect dinner to celebrate the sun coming up in the morning!

Everyone ordered what they wanted and then the feast began as we filled our plates from the salad bar. Everyone talked through dinner except for me. I just sat there and savored every bite. We will definately make a return trip to Michael's before we leave. Maybe even twice!

Pictures of my birthday dinner? Yep, had the camera, it sat right there on the floor next to me the whole time. I couldn't put my fork down long enough to snap any pictures.

So at 10:55 tonight it was official, I'm now 55 years old. Thank you LaVon for pointing out that I'm now eligble for the Senior Citizen discount at IHOP! Yep, with friends like you.......

I got one answer to my question of where the readers found our blog. RVGirl answered but she didn't tell me what city she was from. So please leave another comment RVGirl. By the way, she found us on RV I didn't know we were listed there so now this is three lists we've made. Also, we've turned another thousand on the counter, we're up over 32,000 hits now. This just amazes me!

Everyone should have as good a birthday as I've had today.

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