Friday, August 13, 2010

8/13/2010 They’re Hatching!

Remember back in the end of May I was writing about and posting a lot of pictures like this…..


They’re hatching!


After last night’s storm a lot of baby turtles were “out” this morning. I don’t know if the storm had anything to do with it or not. Anyway, the three above were found on one campsite and this nice fellow was helping them get to the marsh via a ride on a Styrofoam plate. Whatever works!


Unfortunately I also saw more babies than I care to know about, dead, probably drowned in the inches deep water last night. I hope these three live to a ripe old age.

This was supposed to be the day that I spent with Lourie and Janice, my high school friends. It didn’t turn out that way because our truck was in the shop and we had no guarantee of getting it back in time, Janice is having car issues too and Lourie would have had to leave us by 2:30/3:00 to get home in time to get ready to go to Baltimore for dinner. Besides, its Lourie’s husband’s birthday and she really should probably spend the day with him. So, we’ll reschedule, find a day that works for all of us with the time we have left.

Time, time is running short for us here in Delaware. Just about three weeks to go and we’ll be on the road again. We’re glad, hitch itch is getting pretty bad. We’ve been stationary too long. The open road is calling our name.

If you were offered some of this to eat, what do you think you would be eating?


Chunks of pineapple? Cantaloupe? Peaches? If you guessed any of those you would be wrong. How about watermelon? Yep, yellow watermelon. To tell ya truth I had never heard of it before as I didn’t know that watermelon came in designer colors. It tastes exactly like its red counterpart but is just the prettiest yellow you’ve ever seen. Have you tried this yet?

Have you noticed I haven’t posted many sunset pictures this week? Just one. Only one. There’s a reason for this. My cousin Ronnie. Every night this week we have all trekked to the Inlet,,,,,ok, trekked make it seems like we hiked for miles when in reality we walked maybe 120 seconds and little tiny kids did it in their bare feet. Anyway, every evening Ronnie would gather everyone together like we were going on a big adventure and not once was there a spectacular sunset. NOT ONCE! Prior to his arrival I took enough fantastic, spectacular, breathtaking sunset pictures to truly make your eyes bleed. None since HE arrived. So on this last night we once again strolled to the Inlet, leaned against the railing at the waters edge and waited. We waited for the clouds to part and for that big orange ball to appear. We wanted to hear the oohs and aahs as the glow of the fiery orb danced on the water. Uh-uh, didn’t happen. Another night with no spectacular sunset. Thanks Ronnie! This is the best we could get.


Oh yeah, a lot of sunset fanatics will be glad when YOU go home cuz!

1 comment:

LaVon Baker said...

I grew up eating "yellow-meated" watermelons, in Texas. Love 'em!