Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22/2010 LaVon and Don Arrive

We didn’t have to wait too far into the day for Don and LaVon to arrive at the Stage Stop Campground.

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Yay…they’re here! Let the fun begin!


Bob helped Don get set up quickly and in the meantime LaVon came over to check out our new home. I’m pretty sure she liked it.

Soon after Don and Bob came over to our rig and Don got the fifty cent tour too. He also gave a thumbs up.

In the afternoon LaVon and I talked blogs, Blogger, pictures, family, full-timing, politics and an array of other things. Just like old times and I was lovin’ every minute of it.

Late afternoon we went picture takin’ around this quaint little campground we’re in.


Like I wrote yesterday, this is a small campground with only sixteen sites. It has a wild, wild west, stage coach stop kind of town theme to it.

There are several stagecoaches on the property. They didn’t seem too sturdy but maybe good enough for very small children photo ops only.


Horseshoe pits were available but we didn’t see anyone playing.


A really unique picnic table but I think the wooden planks should be replaced. Just a little too much sagging for my comfort.


This building houses the bathrooms/showers/laundry. All the windows are painted on but the door on the second floor, on the front. Real! There’s no opening to enter the building, the door is just there.


Another stagecoach.


No one standing in line for this building!


A view of this gem of a campground from the road.


Our two rigs, ours is on the right.


Flat tire?


The water hookups were set into wooden barrels and then filled with dirt and flower planted.


These flowers sure are healthy.


On the other hand, the tomato plants on our site, uh, not so much. We’re guessing that someone had just vacated our site and had been here for the season as tomato plants were planted. These poor plants were overrun with tomato worms!


Soon tummies were growling and it was time to find a place for dinner. Don knew this area and suggested a Mexican restaurant. So off to El Charro in downtown Neosho we went. Don and LaVon treated us to a delicious dinner!


The walls were decorated with paintings directly on the walls themselves.


Sometimes in conversation someone just doesn’t ask HER question clearly. Case in point. While waiting for our dinner to arrive we were all munching on warm out of the oven chips and salsa. LaVon asked me if I liked my salsa hot. I told her no, I preferred it COLD as I kept mine in the fridge. She cocked her head to one side, hesitated a second and repeated her question. I repeated my answer. She asked one more time, “Snookie, do you like your salsa hot?” Again, I answered, “No, I like mine cold.” She looked at Don, Don looked at her, they both looked at me and one more time she asked, “Do you like your salsa HOT? Ohhhh… mean hot versus MILD. Oh. I like mine medium. They looked at each other and just laughed.

I wish I had my camera ready when a waiter brought our dishes out to us. He had on an oven mitt that covered his arm to above the elbow and then had another large oven mitt laying on his arm from the top of the other to this shoulder. Lined up his arm were hot, HOT dishes, from his hand to his upper arm. I wonder how many dishes were dropped before he got that good in balancing the hot dishes from the kitchen to the dining room. It was really a sight to see.

We all ordered something different and I got a beef fajita. Bob says its my Mexican version of Chinese pepper steak. Actually these are the only dishes I’ll eat in the Mexican and Chinese cuisines. Regardless, it was absolutely delicious!


It was so hot when they brought it to me that when Don said grace I had to open one eye and look at him to see if his lips stopped moving because it was sizzling so loud I couldn’t hear him.

We all thoroughly enjoyed our dinners and the company even more. We are so happy to be able to spend this time with Don and LaVon again.


LaVon Baker said...

I am laughing so hard and I MUST defend myself. You heard, "Do you like your salsa hot?" I actually said, "Do you like Hot Salsa?" Two entirely different questions. No? North meets South, again! LOL! In your defense, it was a stupid question as you were, after all, eating Hot Salsa when I asked you the question. It was good for a great time of laughter, anyway, and laughter is great for the soul. What fun!

KarenInTheWoods said...

How cool for you guys to be together again. I bet your cheeks ache from laughing so hard!

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard