Bob saw a bear today. They are coming down the mountain now in search of food and we’re getting more frequent reports of sightings.
Myra, a camp host, walked out of her 5th wheel a few nights ago and the bushes across from, about 10 feet away all moved by what was surely a bear behind them. She said the bushes moved from left to right as if in a “baseball game wave pattern. Needless to say she ran back inside.
Let’s talk about….mice. It seems everyone, with the exception of one other couple, in the campground, we’re talkin’ camp hosts here, is having a problem with mice. Our next door neighbors have caught 38 in traps so far. Myra and JT have caught 37. Some in broad daylight. We haven’t had any yet….knock on wood. Of course has taken every precaution he could. He has slathered all of our cords and hoses with Vaseline and it seems to be keeping them at bay.
Did I tell you that the other day we had a hummingbird in the truck? It kept trying to fly through the front window and we were so afraid it was going to hurt itself.
We tried everything we could to get it out. It finally tired itself out and I was able to get my hands around it.
What a strange sensation it is to have a tiny little hummingbird in your hands and to feel those wings beating what seems like a million miles a minute.
Plans for a our family reunion next month are coming along. So far we’ve got family coming in
from Tennessee, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and even Texas. Everyone is getting excited about seeing each other again.
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