Friday, January 30, 2009

1/30/09 3 Hrs. in a Hot Tub = Prune!

Another busy day in the world of Activities. Questions and tickets and directions, but hey, that's what we're here for.

Final adjustments and corrections were made to the newsletter and it was time to print off the final copy to take to Office Max for printing. Oh no! I'm losing the last letters on the edge of the paper. Tried as hard as I did to correct it I couldn't make it happen. Kim wasn't around today to help so I called Jeannie. She tried and it was better but not perfect. She suggested I call Helen M. in the park, she is well versed in Microsoft Publisher. What a Godsend she was! She taught me quite a few of the functions and little tricks I didn't know. In just mere minutes everything was printed and I was out the door to the printer.

Darrell and Dona drove into Casa Grande and I went with them. We dropped off the newsletter with instructions and then we went shopping. We picked up a few things for the Valentine's dance and before we knew it, it was time to pick up the newsletter and head back home.

Bob puttered around the rig today and worked some more on the itinerary for the trip this summer.

My lower back was bothering my by the end of the day so around 7 I went up to the hot tub with every intention of spending an hour and coming home. Well, I ended up staying in for three hours because friends kept coming and going and it was just plain comfortable. I looked like a prune by the time I got out! But my back felt good!

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