Saturday, October 23, 2010

10/23/2010 I Screamed & Jumped From the Bed!

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I told you that Bob woke me up in the middle of the night because he left his fishing poles in the old rig? Well, last night was pay back time.

Let me start this by telling you that we have two lights, pretty bright ones, that sit atop two wall posts in the back and to the right of our park model. They belong to the park and they are just decorative lighting.

Ok, so last night I had the blinds open just a little bit, I just forgot to close them all the way so they were letting a little bit of this light in. By no means was the room bright but I could make out things like the chair, the ceiling fan, a lamp, you get the idea. For some reason I woke up at 2:30 this morning. I’m laying there, eyes open, thinking about who knows what and something caught my eye. I could have sworn it was moving. It was hanging from the ceiling fan and it seemed to making its way down, closer to the bed. Not close yet, but definitely moving down as far as I could tell. And it was getting bigger. Much bigger! I’m laying there watching this spider hang there. Did I ever mention I am deathly afraid of spiders? Deathly. I will avoid a spider at all costs. My skin is crawling as I type this. So I’m laying there watching this thing and I’m frozen. I can’t move. Right before my eyes, four, four and a half feet above my head I’m watching this black creature now stretch its legs and its as big as a softball. And I still can’t move. I tried to yell Bob’s name but nothing came out. My heart was beating a million miles a minute. My mind was racing. I couldn’t call out for help. I still couldn’t move. Then all of a sudden I got a rush of adrenaline from somewhere and I let out this scream, jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Bob is up now, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What are you doing? What’s wrong?” I couldn’t get anything out. I just stood by the door debating if I wanted to turn the light on. What if when I ran by the air current caught this creature off guard and it fell to the bed and its now crawling over the SHEETS I have to sleep on???? Worse yet, what if it fell to the floor and was crawling towards me, this black furry spider the size of a softball. I flipped the light on and hanging from the ceiling was the chain and pull, just dangling there. Damn, my imagination really ran away with me on that one. It was so real! In the meantime, Bob is still asking what’s wrong. I told him nothing, I thought I saw something, go back to sleep. I heard him mutter, “Dammit, I’m up now, I’ll never get back to sleep.” It was a long time before I went back to sleep too, I couldn’t take my eyes off that darn fan pull. I didn’t want to give it a chance to morph into anything else. What a night!

Today Bob added another outside electrical outlet to the side of the park model. You just can’t have too many of those things.

He has now decided that he has too many tools. I never thought I’d hear those words from him. He has declared that this spring, when the park is full, he is having a tool yard sale. They have to go, he says, he has no use for 50 flathead screwdrivers in assorted sizes, assorted color handles. I’ll believe it when I see it.

I’m working on a new exercise program. I figure it will last till next Tuesday when I’ll say, “Oh, forget this!” I started walking yesterday. I walked around the perimeter of the park twice and also today with an additional two trips by bike. For the past two days I’ve also done something, well actually, I don’t think I’ve EVER done this before…..I had breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now that I think about it, I did have three meals a day when I was in basic training in the Army but that was only because they made me. So like I said, this will probably last until next Tuesday, but I’m tryin’.

We aren’t leaving the park this weekend because we have to take the truck to the engine doctor on Monday and we don’t want to get stranded anywhere.

Our Phillies are out of the playoffs. It was gut wrenching to watch but they gave us a great season. Next year guys, next year.

fall leaves

30 Days of Truth – Day 6 - Something You Hope You Never Have To Do.

I would venture to say that 99% of the people who do this challenge are going to have the same answer.

I would imagine that everyone who has children will write that they hope they never have to bury a child. Certainly acceptable and understandable. Since I don’t have any natural born children this stock answer doesn’t work for me. However, it is easily adaptable to my answer.

I hope that I don’t ever have to attend a family member’s funeral if they are YOUNGER than me!

Wow…this one was short and sweet.


Donna McNicol said...

Since I am also deathly afraid of spiders, I really enjoyed your tale (and can easily envision it happening to me). Thanks for sharing..

As to the walking, pick up a good pedometer. Mine tracks with software and holds up to 30 days of info till it blinks at me to hook up to the PC (I try to do it more often though). It gives you something to word towards.

We do about 1-2 miles of steps a day, are aiming for 5 but it's hard with Stu's bad knee right now. Our mantra is "steps are steps" and we no longer park close or avoid walking.

You might want to check my blog today for a great offer on a small travel fitness kit. I can't wait to get mine. I HAVE to get 15# off.

Wanna be my email exercise buddy? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Something I hope I will never have to do: GO BACK TO WORK!

LaVon Baker said...

Oh, Snookie, I can just feel your terror and fright with that huge spider hanging over you! Would like to call me and have me read this post to you? :-))
What you said about Day 6 is so true that I couldn't even write as much about it as you did. Just can't go there in my mind.

Tracy said...

This is a hard one. Of course I don't want to have to bury a child or grandchild. I agree most will say that and I do think that would be the hardest thing to have to do.
I have already burried my first husband. Terrible!
But the thing I think I don't want to do is suffer through a long drawn out painful illness.