Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/27/2010 Pools

We’re all about the pool today.

I spent the day next to the pool soaking up rays and going for the occasional dip because it was just freakin’ hot in the sun. I did take notice that when I got there at noon I was the only one there which surprised me on such a beautiful day. It seems that most of the pool go-ers don’t show up till three. I just couldn’t wait till that late hour to go. Of course, I’m there trying to get my tan back (tans sure fade fast) so I wanted to be there for quite awhile.

Bob played pool this afternoon with our friend Wayne. This was the first time since last spring for both of them so they just played “practice” games.

This afternoon I made my rounds to our friends are participating in our World Series Baseball pool. Nine participants, one for each inning. I made up little squares of paper numbered one through nine and each player picked one and whatever number was on their paper represented what inning was theirs. Everyone threw a dollar in the pot and whichever inning produces the most runs….whoever has that inning, wins.

Our truck is in the shop. Remember that cha-ching, cha-ching sound I heard? I was right and that’s all I say about that.

fall leaves

30 Days of Truth - Day 10 - Someone You Need to Let Go or Wish You Didn’t Know

I’m happy to reply to this one. There is no one in my life that I need to let go or wish I didn’t know. Anyone who would have ever fallen into that category for me is already gone. Good riddance to them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I never knew the nun who taught me in sixth grade!!! ....and I let her go as soon as I got out of her class!!!
