With housing prices so incredibly low right now we were able to purchase a foreclosed home which is a four bedroom, 3 bath, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, family room, finished basement, 2 car garage and a pool in the backyard on 3/4's of a beautifully landscaped acre for $91K. So friends, we expect all of you make plans to come on out and visit in sunny Arizona. We've got plenty of room for you. Not all at the same time of course and not right away. We're going to keep on with our plans for Alaska this summer. I'll be posting pictures of our new home soon. Thank heaven's there is a good demand for park models in our park because we were able to sell our newly purchased park model for the same price we paid for it. It's a shame, we never even spent a single night in it. Now we have to move all the stuff we put in it to the new place!
Remember the picture I showed you a couple of days ago...the mama quail who made a nest on the porch in a flower box? Well, I was finally able to get a picture of the eggs she's been sitting on. Eleven of them! They should hatch in about a week. We're all hoping we're still here to see them. From what I've read on the net they will only be in the nest for three days and then they will be shooed out and will waddle after the mama bird as she leaves the nest.
At five, we met six friends at Chris' Diner not too far from the park. For you long time readers the name Nancy "Killer" Reid should ring a bell. Her husband George is the one I went on the motorcycle ride with last year. Well, we met them, Don and LaVon and Lenny and Ginny Dexter for dinner. George and Nancy stopped here on their way to California for the summer. It's always so great to meet up with friends we've made and kept in touch with. (Left to right: me, Nancy, George, Ginny, Lenny, Don, LaVon and Bob)
Now I want you to take note of the dinners sitting in front of Don and LaVon. Pay no mind that LaVon is all but busting a gut with laughter.
I asked LaVon why she only ordered a salad when we had all ordered some delicious meals and Don spoke up and said, "Because I got the Veal Parmigiana". Well that didn't really answer my question and he went on to explain. "We can only afford to feed one of us each day and today's MY day!"
LaVon motioned to me that today is Nancy's birthday so I made a pretense of going to the ladies room so I could see what they had in way of ice cream and cake in the kitchen. They said they didn't have much but would get something together for us.
After we had all finished our meals our waitress got a signal from me that we were ready for whatever they had for us and in a few minutes returned with a plate of bite sized brownie thing-y's and four dishes of ice cream. They couldn't find any candles so they set a toothpick on fire and stuck that in the one of the brownies. Hey, it worked! Its really a good thing they didn't have much because I think we were all stuffed from the great meals we had anyway.
Nancy was very surprised as she didn't know we all knew it was her birthday. We sang the traditional birthday song and ate our goodies. Since it was a slow night in the restaurant and we were the only one in the side dining room the waitress just cleared our table and let us sit and visit for another hour.
All too soon it was time to say our so longs. We'll all get together at least one more time before the Reid's and the Quinn's set out for the open road.
Oh, before I forget, there's one more thing I need to tell you with regards to our news in the beginning of this post.....

You stinker!!!! I can't believe you did that! You sure had me believing you, but then I always rather nieve! I never can tell when someone is telling the truth or just kidding! You got me!
Got me! Just reel me in... hook, line and sinker.
oh my goodness! so you are not getting a new house? was that Aprils fools day? im still not sure... LOL
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