Sunday, October 12, 2008

10/12/08 Just a Gentle Breeze

The wind died down over night and today we just have a gentle breeze. Sand and dirt aren't blowing and its in the mid-70's. Bearable as long as the wind doesn't blow.

By early afternoon I just had to get out of the house. I took a walk over to visit with Cactus Carl and his wife Sandy, our line dance leaders. I was happy to hear that line dancing will start this coming Tuesday. Activities are starting!

There's still no one on our street. We have no neighbors and this is really starting to bother me. I'm a "people person" and like knowing that I can run next door to visit if the walls seem to be closing in. I emailed our friends and asked each when they were coming down. Not soon enough! We probably won't have neighbors until the beginning of November. Three more weeks and I'm counting the days! Now don't get me wrong, we have people around us if I walked to the end of our street and kept going for a little ways. Its not the same, I want my friends/neighbors HERE. Hear that guys, start packing and get your butts down here!

I put a pot roast in the crock pot today for dinner and the house smells oh so good. That smell ranks right up there with the aroma of cookies right out of the oven, suntan lotion, puppy breath and a freshly opened bag of M&M's.

Speaking of M&M's, did you know that October is the month that you can buy the pink ones? It's the time of year that the M&M company donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Do your part in addition to CLICKING THE PINK ICON, go buy a bag of M&M's.

I can't wait to see what this week brings. We're having our first "event" this coming Wednesday, our first potluck dinner. Since everyone has to bring a dish to share there is no cooking involved for us but this will be the first time of many that the team will set up tables and chairs. I haven't even looked at the sign up sheet, I hope lots are signing up for this.

That's it for today! Oh yeah, the pot roast? DELICIOUS!

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