Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10/14/08 First Day with a New Team

UGH! Whose idea was it to have an 8 am meeting? Today all workampers, well, the ones that are here anyway, met for an early morning meeting with Jeannie the park manager. As early as it was, it was a pleasant meeting. Jeannie told the newcomers of the rules, the do's and don't's and answered many questions. Jeannie had us laughing several times so it was a nice way to start the day even if we did have to get up earlier than usual.

I did think the questions went on and on because I was anxious to get out of there. My line dancing session started at nine and at nine-twenty hands were still being raised. People! Stop! You are cutting into my line dancing time! Finally at 9:30 the last question was answered and I beat feet to the Carnaval Room where it was all taking place. Oh it felt so good to be there! Sandy was her usual funny self and Cactus Carl was spinning good music. It didn't take long for me to remember lines were my friends and that if Sandy goofed up it wasn't a mistake but just a variation. It was a small class with maybe 10 of us present but I'm sure it will grow each week just like it did last year.

Today was the day the Red Team reported for work. Work. It is just so funny to call it that. I had the guys check out all the tables and chairs for missing corners (tables) and rubber feet (chairs). Someone had already fixed these things so they reported all is well. The library was taken care of in short order since only three books had been turned in. What do I do with them now? I'm finding I don't care for this time of year because there just isn't enough to do to go around. With only one computer that we can print with, well, it really limits on what I can delegate as far as computer work is concerned.

We sat and tossed around ideas for things to do this winter as far as projects/trips/events we can do. They tossed out some pretty good ideas too!

At noon we broke for lunch and when they returned I still had nothing for them to do. They hung around anyway like troopers and we talked. A nice way to get to know these folks. They'll have plenty to do tomorrow. Our first potluck dinner takes place! The season is starting!

1 comment:

LaVon Baker said...

Sounds like things are going great... slow, but great. Give everyone our love!