Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10/1/08 The First Day Went Well!

I was up before the alarm clock went off this morning in anticipation of what the day was going to bring. The day went surprisingly well.

Not all the workampers are here yet. They'll be trickling in over the next few days.

I opened up the Activities Center at precisely 8:56 this morning and at 8:57 the workampers here started strolling in. We have four couples here right now and two reported for work. Steve and April ( don't hold me to these names!) scheduled dentists appointments but Steve did come in for a short while before they had to leave. That speaks VOLUMES to me. Jim and Mary, from Michigan, were there today as were George and Carol and I don't know where they are from. The fourth couple just arrived yesterday afternoon and need some time to get set up so they'll start in a few days.

The tasks to be completed today were to get the Activities Building up and running. Everything needed to be dusted after this summer and the library was given a whole lot more books that had to be tagged and shelved. Mary is a former librarian and it really bothers her that the books aren't in perfect order. I told her to wait a few weeks and mystery will be mixed in with romance..... I thought she was going to faint on me. Note to self: Keep Mary away from library for her own good.

Mary and her books.


Carol getting the craft room spic and span.


Everyone just pitched in and got the job done. I am so proud of them! Not one complaint about anything. By noon we were done and I sent them home to enjoy the afternoon.

I stayed two hours longer going through files from years past to glean any useful information from them that I could. I am so thankful that Bruce and DeAnn kept such detailed records!

I made my first executive decision today and it was that the first pancake breakfast scheduled for October will be canceled. There just aren't going to be enough people here for the trouble we go through for it.

If the rest of the people are anything like the ones I worked with today, it will be another banner year for the Activities Department. Y E S ! ! !

Back at home Bob washed one side of the rig. The shady side of course. If he washed the sunny side the soap would dry on it before he could blink! It looks like the sunny side will have to be done very early in the morning before the heat sets in.

I took a look at the stats for blog readers for the month of September. There were 1,891 individual visits and 3,148 pages viewed. Every hour around the clock there was someone reading. Besides the USA, visitors came from seventeen other countries including Iran, Korea and Ecuador. The most pages were viewed from.... drum roll please ..... Reston, Virginia with 624 pages read! The other cities with more than 150 pages viewed are as follows:

  • Idaho Falls, Idaho with 251 pages viewed
  • Los Angeles, California with 173 pages viewed
  • Bedminster, New Jersey comes in close with 172 pages viewed
  • Livingston, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania were tied with 158 pages viewed each.

Reston, Virginia. Never been there, don't know anybody there, don't even know where it is in the state of Virginia but we sure have some faithful readers there!

Now listen up everybody, this next part is very, very important. Do you know that one out of eight women will be struck by breast cancer? ONE OUT OF EIGHT!!!! Because this has affected some women who are very close to me I've decided to do what I can to help. I've added something to the sidebar, just under the maps, that I want you to make use of everyday. Click on the PINK ICON everyday! It takes mere seconds and YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Now go click that pink icon right now. Go on...

Since it is so hot here we set the toaster oven up outside to cook our dinner tonight. It kept the inside much cooler this way. While I was outside checking on the progress of the baking pork loin a workamping couple, he's in maintenance, stopped to chat. The woman, Pam, said that she wanted to work Activties but her other half wanted maintenance. She told me that she would be glad to volunteer for the Activities Department anytime she was needed. This could very well be another good year!


Anonymous said...

Have you had your yearly mamogram taken this year? Last year?

I'm letting your friends know that I'm always on your case about gettting it done. If you haven't, then I want all your women friends to keep after you until you do!! Men can join us!

Love ya,

LaVon Baker said...

I'm so excited about seeing pictures of new faces... wonderful new friends you and Bob will be making this year at QR. Will you be doing the QR newsletter? I know you enjoy writing, but delegate everything you can... just like Shelley said. Don't want you to get burned out.