Friday, February 15, 2008

2/14/08 Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all.

This was a total do nothing day for us! We're tired after yesterday. Neither one of us even left our site today. Both of us spent the day on our computers and watching TV and I did manage to get a little bit of reading in.

I spent my time getting this blog caught up, hopefully I'll keep to a day to day basis now. Of course that is always my intention but somehow life seems to get in the way of that.

Don and LaVon, our next door neighbors did stop over to ask if we wanted to go to Tucson tomorrow to Beaudry RV. They are having an "entertainment" day tomorrow at the dealership and this is something we've been wanting to go to. So our activity is all set for tomorrow. It should be a good time as Don and LaVon are such nice people and fun to be with. So we'll head out right after we finish our mini golf game.

So that was our day in a nutshell. A day of much needed rest.

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