Today is my dad's 75th birthday and the day he and my mom arrive in Florida for a month's stay. Happy Birthday DAD!
It was an all work day for the Activities Staff. First thing we had to do was set up tables and chairs for the luncheon we'll have at noon and decorate.
Gold medals all laid out ready for the awards ceremony.
Let me tell you, we had absolutely the most perfect day weather wise. Warm and sunny and not too hot! Things were in full swing by 9 a.m. Bob had a few events he was in and I had a few that I had to finish up. My fellow activities workers covered for me while I did my thing. What a good bunch to work with!
There were quite a few on the mini golf course.
Bob making a putt during his game.
Here's Sandy, our line dance instructor trying for the gold in ladder golf.
The look on LaVon's face tells me she missed the ladder golf stand altogether.
Marlene ended up taking the gold in the hoop shoot.
I couldn't help but notice that the guys in the hoop shoot didn't use the same stance that Marlene did.
Mini golf done, I went to the ladder golf area to get my name on the schedule there. I had a little bit of time so I made my way back to the Cantina to see where I could help out while waiting. Tomatoes had to be chopped for the taco salad we were serving so I got started on that with Bonnie and Robin. I got a good amount done and was called to play.
When I finished the ladder golf competition I was in the five way tie for the gold! I moved on to the next event as there were still more in line to play the first round of ladder golf. I can't remember the last time I threw a bean bag but at least its something done I've before, but its been a long time. So I go to the bean bag area and take my three practice shots. Two in the hole and one laying on the deck. Now this could be my game! Time for the throws that count.....
Three in the hole and one on the deck! I'm in a three way tie for the gold! I told the bean bag officials I would be in the Cantina working when it was time for the playoffs and off I went, back to work.
Back at work again, filling bowls, placing lunchtime items on the serving tables and whatever else needed to be done.
I was soon called for the playoffs for the ladder golf event. I got a few on but didn't do really all that good. I couldn't wait around for others to play as I was then called to the bean bag throw playoffs. I knew I didn't take gold or silver so off I went to the next playoff. This time I only got one in the hole and left two on the deck and two on the ground. I was out of the running for a medal. How's this for a look of defeat?
By now the games are over and its time for lunch. We were serving taco salads and my job was to dish out the lettuce. It was all good until the order of how things were set in line on the serving tables was changed. I had been in between a roaster filled with ground beef on my left and bowl of chopped of tomatoes on my right. At the last minute a change was made and now I had ground beef on my right and crock pot of re fried beans on the left. Ewwwwww,,,YUCK! I have a real problem with re fried beans. They remind of .... well, maybe I better not tell you what they remind me of. Let's just say my tummy was queasy just looking at it. As people came through the line and spooned the "mess" on their taco chips I rushed to cover it with lettuce and believe me, I couldn't cover it fast enough! I must have looked a little green around the gills because I had a few ask me if I felt alright. I looked at this way, if I did get sick to my stomach and heaved in that crock pot, nobody would no would know the difference as far as I was concerned!I guess I can't put this off any longer. Dear readers I have a confession to make. Up till now I have called this the Quail Run Winter Olympics. That's not the right name. I probably wouldn't have given this information out for fear of intense kidding from my brother Billy, but the cake we served for dessert was so pretty and I had to get a picture of it.
Billy, fair warning, I don't want to hear one word about this from you, after all we are in that part of the year when I am only EIGHT years older than you. So now you know, Bob and I have taken part in the Quail Run Senior Olympics. (You can stop laughing now Bill.)It was now time for the workampers to eat. I couldn't. I couldn't get that picture of those re fried beans out of my mind. I went to the kitchen and started doing the dishes getting a jump start on the cleanup.
Once again the Activities staff got a huge thumbs up from the winter residents for another good meal.The closing ceremony would start at two so we had an hour to kill until then. I think most of us went home to rest a bit.We made our way back to the Carnaval Room for the closing ceremonies and found seats. Well, Bob found a seat, I had camera in hand so I was roaming the room.After opening remarks from our Master of Ceremonies, Ron Baker, the "colors" were presented for both the USA and Canada and we sang both national anthems.
After everyone was seated the MC announced that we had a special guest speaker. Someone who was a master in the art of Karate. Someone who would tell us how to get in shape. I thought to myself just how good of shape does one have to be in to play cribbage or toss a bean bag? He then introduced our speaker. Mr. Wii Ching Chang.
You could hear all over the hall, who is that? Who is that? None of us knew until Mr. Chang got up on the stage and opened his mouth. It was none other than the Peacock of the Park, Don Walrath! The place went wild when we realized who it was. This is what our neighbor Don looks like in real life.
The MC and Mr. Chang had some banter going back and forth and had us all in stitches. He was finally asked how he gets people in shape. In his best southern Idaho/Chinese accent he introduced his latest "accomplishment". In walks Dale much to our delight.
After getting up on the stage and showing us his strongman stances, Mr. Chang continued on with his talk. He explained that it wasn't only excercise that got this man in such great shape, oh no, there was something very special in his diet. Idaho potatoes! (Don's from Idaho) He went on to explain that Dale is a twin and that his older by 12 minutes brother did NOT choose to go on the program. Next thing we know Jack Perkins comes out.
Well, let me tell you, we rolled! Here is a picture of them onstage so you can see the difference in size between these two. Keep in mind these two are supposed to be twins!
All too soon it was time to get down to the business at hand. Time to present the gold and silver medals. There were 16 events, 132 participants and 647 matches.
Here is Bob being presented in Silver medal for pool playing.
Bob and Gold medal winner, Frank Bowman.
I was sitting front row center so I could take the pictures of all medal winners as they stood on the steps.
I was waiting for the next category to be called and suddenly heard MY name. I stood up not really believing that I had somehow managed to win a medal. I kept saying over and over, I won, I won, no one told me. I won! I won!
Standing with Pat Turner on the Olympic steps.
When the medal awards were done the Olympic flame was put out by Jerry. 
What a fantastic day! We played, we ate, (well, some of us did) we sang, we laughed over and over again and we had perfect weather. This had to be our very best day here in Quail Run, it would have to be really special to top this one.
Ahhh, but the day isn't over yet. Remember Wii Ching Chang? The black haired man? Well that dye had to be washed out! It took several washings before the dye was gone.

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