Everything is in the roasters cooking, its time for a rest.
The cake is in place.
Park manager, Jeannie Budd, watches on as Buddy Wright mixes the punch in the fountain.
Time for the taste test.
Since we were done for a few hours while the corned beef and cabbage cooked we had time to go home. When I got home Bob was working on the caulking project and he came in and said that he smelled ammonia. He asked me to come out to see if I could smell it too. I had just washed my hair and could only smell shampoo so I was no help there. However, we could hear something leaking. Upon further investigation he discovered that the ammonia was coming out of the refrigerator! Oh no! Our fridge has died! We had a pretty full freezer so I went across the street to Don and Billie's to see if they had any room in their freezer. The word got out pretty fast that we had a problem and before I knew it our neighbors were lined up at the door telling us they had room in their freezers if we needed it. Frozen food was just flying out the door.
Thankfully, we have a plan with Good Sam that covers our appliances. I got on the phone right away with them and found out that yes, we were in fact covered for a failed fridge.
Our next call went out to our neighbor Danny King. Danny is a certified RV repairman. He came over and made arrangements with Camping World in Tucson for a new refrigerator. Yes, we could have gotten just the failed part replaced but by the time the labor charges, shipping, and part cost came into play it was only a hundred dollars more to just replace the whole thing. We opted to do that. Besides, the freezer needed defrosting anyway.
Bob will drive to Tucson tomorrow to pick up the new appliance.
Everything is ready for our guests to arrive and arrive they did in the spirit of Saint Patrick's Day. This is our next door neighbor, Wilf. He really dressed the part of a
Christmas elf , leprechaun.
With dinner out of the way it was time for Cactus Carl to start the music. Here's fellow Delawareans, Bob & Bobbi Timpko dancing the night away.
We had a surprise guest during the dance. This park's version of a "chicken" that led us in the "chicken dance". I took a picture of the front view but unfortunately my finger somehow got in the way of the lens and it just didn't turn out.
Now I'm not sure Wilf is doing here but he sure seemed to be having a great time!
Once again, the Activities Staff put on a good party for the Quail Run winter residents. We all heard rave reviews of the dinner and dance. Its so worth it when the people you work so hard for, to insure they have a good time, let you know your efforts were well worth it.
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