The pool area is all decorated but I have to say I don't know whose idea the red, white and blue balloons in the pool was, to me that doesn't say luau.
Sharon and Joyce make fruit kabobs.
Bonnie McMullen fills bowls with dipping chips.
All too soon it was time for the party goers to arrive. Ready or not, here they come.
They came in all kinds of outfits. Keith in his grass skirts and coconut bra.....
.......pretty Nel Archer in her flowered top and leis.....
......and we can't leave out Bill Salisbury with his umbrella hat.
Doesn't Don, our friend and neighbor, look like he's having fun?
Ted and Sue, our entertainment for the evening, soon started the contests. The first was a hula contest for the women. Here are some of the contestants.
Marlene doing her hula thing!
Donna O'Neil giving it her all.
Pam's enjoying herself!
Of course the men couldn't be left out! Dale Jones' secret to hula dancing is getting the hips swinging and then rubbing his tummy and patting his head.
I had left the Carnaval Room for awhile and when I came back I found out the Pineapple Princess had been crowned. Here she is being bowed down to by her court.
The Pineapple Princess and Prince together.
The winter residents gave the Activities Staff rave reviews on the luau. Everyone seemed to have a great time.
We, the Activities Staff, are glad this is over. It was tiring, a lot of work and made for long hours. By the end of this night we were all exhausted. So much so that I even took a cat nap at one of the tables while the music played on and people danced. In fact, I even had my picture taken with my own camera! Imagine my surprise when I uploaded the pictures to the computer and found one of myself, head resting on my hand, taking a snooze. I didn't know who took it but did find out later that Bob Archer just couldn't resist the photo op. I didn't post it here, it just wasn't flattering and since this is my blog I don't have to post bad pictures of myself.
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