Saturday, November 22, 2008

11/22/08 Our First Pancake Breakfast

I strolled in at seven, oops, sorry, gloating again, and all was ready for the diners at 7:30 when the doors would open. This was our time to eat. The pancakes were perfect, lightly browned and fluffy. The sausage patties, aromatic and they had absolutely no resemblance to hockey pucks. The orange juice was perfectly chilled and coffee hot and steaming. Kinda makes you hungry doesn't it? Oh yeah, strolling in at seven is good! Note to self: STOP THAT!

The thing with pancake breakfasts is that you don't know how many to prepare for. Twelve pounds of sausage patties were cooked up yesterday and about 50 pancakes were warming in a roaster and more were on the griddles and there was batter in the bowl still to be poured. I was hoping three boxes of pancake mix was enough. Of course we could have twelve people show up for the breakfast too. Actually, I knew that at least 30 were coming because I had put up a sign up sheet asking winter residents to sign up if they thought they might attend. Thirty two did.

Bill and Paul, our chief cook's this pancake breakfast. Now don't they just look like happy campers?


Did more than the thirty two show up? Let's put it this way, I had to run to the store for more pancake mix and at 9:00....not 9:30....we served the last of the fourth box of pancake mix and the last sausage pattie. Seventy two diners! Lucky for us the last people we served were the last ones to come in, we didn't turn anyone away! How lucky was that???? No wait,,,,let's look at that this way, WHAT GOOD PLANNING! LOL!!!!

Since my usual wake-up times seems to be four a.m. now I was able to catch this sunrise picture this morning.


I was talking with Marlene this morning at the pancake breakfast and I happened to look down at the floor while sitting across the aisle from her. She noticed the expression on my face because she said, "My feet were cold this morning!" Here's what I saw. I just had to get a picture!


Bob was busy all afternoon on the computer with the road atlas and campground books spread all over the table. He's planning our trip when we leave here in April. Gosh, I'm just getting settled and he's planning on leaving already. He did ask me how I felt about a trip to Alaska next summer so who knows, we may end up there.

Diesel fuel is at $2.21 a gallon here. That is LESS than the cost when we started two years ago. I never ever thought we'd see prices this low again. Oh, if only they would stay this low....or go even lower! The price is dropping everyday now so we could possibly see diesel below two bucks! Oh what a happy day that would be!

We left home two years ago as of the 13th of this month. The time has flown by but we sure we have had fun along the way. The best part is the friends we've made as we've traveled.


LaVon Baker said...

What a glorious sunrise picture!! So beautiful.
That Marlene! What a free-spirit. You be sure and tell her "HEY GIRL" for me! I appreciate her colorful feet.
Keep up the "good planning." Your description DID make me hungry for pancakes and sausage.

Anonymous said...

Bill and Paul really enjoyed working together. They did make great pancakes and are getting to be good friends. Thanks Snookie for putting these two together.
