Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11/5/08 November Pot Luck

Wow, our second pot luck dinner already. Time is just flying by! George and Carol, Jim and Chris, Gayle and Rich, the members of the team working at this time, have just outdone themselves!

They spent the morning setting up for the pot luck dinner we're having tonight. They decorated each table and it just looked so festive. Did I think to bring my camera? Nope, never even entered my mind. What's even worse? I saw the room in the morning and still didn't think to take the camera with me in the afternoon. We had fifty seven attend the dinner and once again we had GOOD FOOD galore! We have some really, really good cooks here! For all of you Quail Runners who haven't arrived yet, get yourselves geared up for some good eats! Bob says he's glad we don't do this every week because his waistline just couldn't take it! He's been working on taking off the pounds that he put on when we went home those weeks and then when we were fed by Carol in Utah and Billie and Idaho. He's been pretty disciplined at getting up in the mornings and going for a walk around the park.

Speaking of weight....I've gained a couple of pounds and I'm hoping its because of all the Halloween candy that was around and not because I quit smoking. I did have more than my share of candy, glutton for sweets that I am. I'm walking so much now or at least I think I am. I'm going to get one of those pedometer things to make sure I'm walking the distance I think I am.

We were all off this afternoon. There's not much going on and things are caught up in the office so there was no need for someone to even stay there. I used the time to go into town and get my nails done and do some shopping.

We all reported back at 4:30 and only had to put the iced tea out before the diners started arriving.

After the announcements I had to make about upcoming events everyone at the tables looked at me expectantly, wondering which table I was going to pick to start the lines at the buffet table. OH, THE POWER! One table was very happy and the other three were disappointed. I think next time I'm just going to call it a free for all and they can all get in line. There's enough food to go around and I'm sure many will stay seated until the line goes down some. We'll see how it goes.

When dinner was done it didn't take long for the team plus a few to get the floor cleared of tables and chairs. Everything is ready now for line dancing tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

LaVon Baker said...

You are doing such a good job! And we are praising the Lord for you wonderful teams.
Our love to everyone.