The afternoon seemed to drag by for us as we both kept an eye on the clock, willing it to move faster. Finally the time arrived for our next visit to the vet. Once again I put her leash on and she just looked at me. She didn't even attempt to get up. Bob picked her up and put her in the truck. I got to the vet and he was just finishing up with his patient that was scheduled before us. Shag just laid on the floor, not even lifting her head when this dog walked by her.
Finally it was our time with Dr. St. John. He took some blood for testing and I waited while they ran the tests. He came out shortly afterwards and said he was baffled that the tests show that Shag isn't dehydrated since she can't keep anything down and doesn't even attempt to eat or drink now. He said it would be just a little while longer until all the tests are done. I managed to get Shag outside in case she had to "go". As I was walking her she did make an attempt but much to my horror all that came out was blood. I knew were in trouble then. I carried her back in and told the lady behind the desk what had happened and she ran to get the vet. He called me into the office and said that were was something seriously wrong but he couldn't tell more without possible exploratory surgery and he didn't know if she would make it through it. My heart is breaking. I told him I couldn't make any decisions without Bob and that I had to get him. I assured him it wouldn't take me long as he was just across the street and that I would hurry. It was after hours time that we were in now as it was. He told me that was fine that he would stay as long as needed. I raced home to get Bob and we jumped in the truck to get back to our little girl. Dr. St. John took the time to explain everything again to Bob and then left us alone to make our decision as to what to do. It seems Shag had a tumor and it ruptured. Dr. St. John could treat her but it would only fix the symptom, not the root of the problem. We didn't even consider surgery, Shag is 17 years old. Did we want to put her through that? What if she didn't make it and we weren't with her? No, that wouldn't do, instead we made the most painful decision that pet owners could make. We would help Shag to the The Rainbow Bridge (click). We called Dr. St. John back in and told him of our decision. He brought Shag back in to give us time with her. I don't think I need to tell you that we both cried,,,,buckets.
I held Shag's head in my hands and told her I loved her and to wait at the "bridge" for me. This is truly the hardest thing I've ever had to do. When our goodbyes were done we rang the bell to let the vet know we were ready. Oh God, would I ever be ready for this? Are we doing the right thing? Does she know how much we love her? The time had come and within minutes our little girl was romping with the other dogs waiting for their the bridge.
Once again Dr. St. John left us alone with her. It was so hard to walk away and took much urging on Bob's part. But walk away we did, without our little girl, without our furkid, without the little white dog that shared her life with us for the last 15 and a half years.
Bob and I sat on the porch for awhile..... remembering,,, smiling at times,,,and crying a lot. Oh how we are going to miss this little dog.
Here's Shag just lovin' life, she's camping with us.
I dreaded this time of year because Shag just loved to go out in the snow and the snow would stick to her fur and freeze. What a mess she was when she came in. I can remember many a snow with the kitchen floor covered in towels until she finished thawing out. This picture was taken after a very heavy snow, about 2 feet.
Shag's Portrait

Don said, "what's the matter????" I'm bawling like a baby. I truly know how hard that was for you. Shag was so cute.
Oh Snookie! I know this happened years ago but my heart goes out to you and Bob. We're driving down the road and I'm crying my eyes out for the two of you. I know that feeling all too well. Been there, done that time and time again. As much as I love our animals after our last two are no longer with us, we're done! Finished! Just don't want to go through that pain anymore. Not for many years anyway.
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