We got rid of the sofa that came with our rig because (1) we never sat on it and (2) it became a catch all for everything we carried in the house. In its place we put the desk that you read about earlier. Bob wanted to run the dedicated electrical wires, or some such thing, so that it was on its own circuit. I think I got that right. Anyway, since we don't have a washer/dryer in the rig (not yet, anyway) he used those lines and ran them to the living room area for our computer, printer/fax/copier and who knows what else to run off of. Here's a picture of the finished lines, some of you will understand what he did and some of you won't. I fall in the won't column.

I'm betting the female readers don't have a clue what they are looking at, and that's ok. I don't understand it either but he worked so hard it I thought it was worthy of a picture.
We've had it with the no-see-ums! They are just unbearable when they come out. My arms and legs look the girls on the Survivior TV show when they show close ups of their legs to show the bug bites. I'm trying everything under the sun for the itching. With all the remedies the neighbors have given me I could open a drug store.
I think Bob feels sorry me because he has spent the day on the computer researching screen rooms. You just can't be outside when they are around.
This is it for today, I have to use my hands to scratch!
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